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Thursday 24th September 2009

Fedora Project

  • Updated pptp to split off the pptpsetup script into a subpackage (pptp-setup) so as to avoid perl dependencies in the main package, which is now included in the Live CD and could do without a huge dependency like perl (Bug #524972)

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-Sendmail-AccessDB to fix the license tag to a rpmlint-friendly version

  • Updated perl-Sendmail-Milter to include the patch for CPAN RT#48644 (incorrect parsing of socket name); it still won't build on anything recent or on x86_64, possibly due to CPAN RT#23717

  • Updated perl-Sendmail-PMilter to not obsolete itself by removing the provide of perl-Sendmail-Milter = 0.18

  • Updated pptp as per the Fedora package
