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Thursday 14th January 2010

Fedora Project

  • Got a FTBFS bug on gnome-libs (Bug #555485), which was a bit surprising given the age and stability of that particular package. It turned out that libpng10 had been broken in 1.0.51 and 1.0.52 as currently found in Rawhide and was missing the png_set_strip_16 function. I raised this with libpng upstream and it was fixed promptly in a beta release of 1.0.53. In the meantime I patched 1.0.52 in Rawhide with the same fix and it resolved the problem.

  • Minor clean-up of perl-Convert-BinHex prompted by merge review (Bug #552554)

Local Packages

  • Updated libpng10 as described for Fedora
