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Thursday 3rd June 2010

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-Crypt-DSA to fix its META.yml that claimed it would work with perl 5.005 onwards, which isn't true due to the use of a 3-argument open in Crypt::DSA::KeyChain, as pointed out by current versions of Perl::MinimumVersion (Bug #600012) - raised upstream as CPAN RT#58094

Local Packages

  • Rebuilt perl-Array-Compare, perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable, perl-Net-LibIDN, perl-Net-SMTP-SSL, perl-Net-SSLeay, perl-Net-Server, perl-Number-Compare, perl-Package-Constants, and perl-Package-Generator for RHEL-6 Beta

IPv6 Connectivity

I'm having a go at setting up IPV6 connectivity for my home network, but I'm not going to go into any detail on it at the moment as I don't really know what I'm doing and I wouldn't want to publish bad information.

What I can say though is that I was quickly and easily able to get an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel established via Hurricane Electric's excellent free Tunnel Broker service with no waiting around for ages, and I'm basically following Wolfgang S. Rupprecht's Fedora IPv6 Static Tunnel Guide, except using shorewall6 to handle routing and firewalling rather than tweaks to /etc/sysconfig/network and ip6tables.
