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Sunday 1st August 2010

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-Net-SSH-Perl in EPEL-6 to add buildreqs perl(Test::YAML::Meta), perl(Text::SpellChecker), and aspell-en and re-enable the spell check test in the test suite as these buildreqs are now available for EL-6 whilst they weren't when I first built the EL-6 package. However, I found to my horror that it failed to build due to a missing buildreq of perl(Perl::Critic), which is in EL-6 - but not on the ppc64 and s390x architectures, despite it being a noarch package, and my build just happened to get done on a ppc64 builder. It would seem that I'll need to rebuild the EL-6 perl-Perl-Critic package in EPEL to solve this problem, but there's a bunch of similar issues down the dependency chain.

  • Updated perl-PPI in F-14 to 1.213 as per yesterday's update in Rawhide; I had to wait for the new builds of perl-Test-CPAN-Meta and perl-Test-Pod to be tagged stable before I could do this
