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Saturday 28th August 2010

Local Packages

  • New package perl-Test-Requires (0.05)

  • Updated perl-Devel-StackTrace to 1.23:

    • License changed to Artistic 2.0
    • Added message and indent constructor parameters (CPAN RT#59830)

  • The test suite changed a bit, so I added buildreqs perl(Test::EOL), perl(Test::NoTabs), perl(Test::Spelling) and aspell-en where possible, a patch to cope with the possible absence of perl(Test::Spelling) and another patch to cope with distributions having Test::More < 0.88

  • Updated perl-Moose to 1.12, adding a buildreq of perl(Test::Requires) where possible and patching out the need for it elsewhere:

    • An attribute in a subclass can now override the value of "is"

    • Deprecation warnings for alias and excludes have been turned back off for this release, to give other module authors a chance to tweak their code

    • mro::get_linear_isa was being called as a function rather than a method, which caused problems with Perl 5.8.x

    • Union types always created a type constraint, even if their constituent constraints did not have any coercions; this bogus coercion always returned undef, which meant that a union that included Undef as a member always coerced bad values to undef (CPAN RT#58411)

    • Union types with coercions would always fall back to coercing the value to undef (unintentionally); now, if all the coercions for a union type fail, the value returned by the coercion is the original value that we attempted to coerce

    • Fix the MANIFEST (CPAN RT#60831)
