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Tuesday 21st September 2010

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-IO-Compress in Rawhide to re-enable the long-running tests (which take about an hour) but allow a build-time conditional "--without long-tests" to be used to skip the particularly lengthy test; a commit yesterday to fix an unrelated issue disabled the long-running tests with a comment stating that the test "hung" - just not patient enough!

  • ParagNemade kindly reviewed and approved my perl-Text-Hunspell package

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-IO-Compress to include IO::Compress::FAQ (Bug #634722, CPAN RT#61402) and to allow a build-time conditional "--with long-tests" to be used to enable a particularly lengthy test that takes about an hour to run

  • Updated perl-Moose to 1.14:

    • Work around what looks like a bug in List::MoreUtils::any, which caused a weird error when defining the same union type twice, but only when using MooseX::Types (CPAN RT#61001)
