Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name


Thursday 14th April 2011

Fedora Project

  • Updated libgtk-java in Rawhide and F-15 to block the generation of bogus perl provides in the devel subpackage - they had been filtered out in the past but reappeared due to changes in the way provides-generation works in rpm 4.9

  • Updated perl-UNIVERSAL-exports, perl-UNIVERSAL-moniker, and perl-UNIVERSAL-require in Rawhide and F-15 to filter out the bogus provide of perl(UNIVERSAL) - it had been filtered out in the past but reappeared due to changes in the way provides-generation works in rpm 4.9
