You can't save spelling words.

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Monday 8th August 2011

Fedora Project

  • Updated gtkwave in F-16, Rawhide and EPEL-6 to 3.3.24:

    • Improve the searching for the TCL libraries (when using stubs)
    • Fixed bug where Tcl_GetString was substituted with brace removal preprocessing when unnecessary (would break addSignalsFromList, etc.)

  • Became owner of perl-Tree-DAG_Node and perl-Test-Warn in EPEL-4 (as Spot no longer has any interest in EL-4) and built them - needed for perl-Module-Manifest

  • Became owner of perl-Module-Manifest in EPEL, and built it for EPEL-4, EPEL-5 and EPEL-6

  • Submitted a review request for perl-Test-Vars, which was promptly approved by Emmanuel Seyman and I built it for F-14, F-15, F-16, Rawhide and EPEL-6 (no builds for EPEL-4 or EPEL-5 as it requires perl ≥ 5.10.0)

Local Packages

  • New package perl-Test-Vars (0.001)

  • Updated gtkwave as per the Fedora version

  • Updated perl-Params-Check to 0.32:

    • Removed unnecessary use of Data::Dumper

  • Updated perl-Test-Spelling to add a patch for releases with hunspell < 1.2.8, in which hunspell doesn't treat the "C" locale as being equivalent to the "en_US" locale, causing test failures on Fedora 9 and 10 because it can't find a working speller for the default locale

  • Rebuild perl-Test-Requires without a workaround previously added for the Test::Spelling issue above
