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Thursday 6th October 2011

Fedora Project

  • Updated proftpd in F-15, F-16 and Rawhide to include a change from upstream to check to see if the MySQL library exports the make_scrambled_password_323 function (needed for support of stored hashed passwords dating back to before MySQL 4.1), and omitting the backward-compatibility for old stored hashes if the function is unavailable; this will hopefully resolve Bug #718327 (MySQL auth not working) in Fedora 15 onwards, where the make_scrambled_password_323 function is no longer exported by the MySQL library (see Bug #742222)

Local Packages

  • Updated GeoIP to fix the dist tag for CentOS 6 builds

  • Updated perl-AnyEvent-AIO to fix the dist tag for CentOS 6 builds

  • Updated perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS to exclude xsubpp from /usr/bin in the F-14 build again (it conflicts with perl-devel - Bug #728393), as I was previously excluding it in releases with perl < 5.12.4 but F-14 has recently been upgraded to 5.12.4 so I had to explicitly exclude it there

  • Updated perl-Test-Exception to fix the dist tag for CentOS 6 builds

  • Updated perl-XML-LibXSLT to 1.72:

    • Moved the benchmarking code under benchmark/ so it won't be indexed by CPAN

    • Avoid leaking memory inside extension elements by cleaning up on stylesheet DESTROY

    • xsltInit() and xsltCleanupGlobals() to avoid leaking memory on init/shutdown

    • Added support for stylesheet context functions via a $stylesheet->register_function() method with the same arguments as XML::LibXSLT->register_function()

    • Added support for register_element() on stylesheet objects; the callback may leak memory though - nothing frees the _private attributes of the node + document owner for the passed arguments?

  • Updated proftpd as per the Fedora version
