Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name


Saturday 11th February 2012

Fedora Project

  • Tidied up and updated perl-Parse-RecDescent to 1.967006 in F-17 (Bug #789560; Rawhide will inherit this build):

    • Localize the OUT filehandle during Precompile

    • Document the <autotree:Base::Class> form of the <autotree> directive

    • Provide a simple test for the <autotree> directive, t/autotree.t; renamed basics.t to ensure it runs before autotree.t

    • Allow a global <skip:> directive that functions the same as modifying $Parse::RecDescent::skip prior to compiling a grammar

    • Require that the $file returned by caller() be eq '-', rather than merely starting with '-'

    • Warn on empty productions followed by other productions: the empty production always matches, so following productions will never be reached
    • Non-backwards-compatible change: a repetition directive such as 'id(s /,/)' correctly creates a temporary @item variable to hold the 'id's that are matched. That @item variable is then used to set the real $item[] entry for that repetition. The same treatment is now given to %item. Formerly, in a production like:

    • id ',' id(s /,/)
    • matched against:
    • xxx, yyy, zzz
    • The $item{id} entry that should be 'xxx' is overwritten by 'yyy' and then 'zzz' prior to the action being executed. Now 'yyy' and 'zzz' set $item{id}, but in the private %item, which goes out of scope once the repetition match completes.

    • Experimental: when precompiling, optionally create a standalone parser by including most of the contents of Parse::RecDescent in the resulting Precompile'd output

    • Accept an optional $options hashref to Precompile, which can be used to specify $options->{-standalone}, which currently defaults to false

    • The subroutines import, Precompile and Save are not included in the Precompile'd parser

    • The included Parse::RecDescent module is renamed to Parse::RecDescent::_Runtime to avoid namespace conflicts with an installed and use'd Parse::RecDescent

    • Add a new t/precompile.t to test precompilation

    • Add a new $_FILENAME global to Parse::RecDescent to make it easy for the Precompile method to find the module

    • Remove the prototype from _generate; it is not required, and it caused t/precompile.t (which ends up re-defining a lot of Parse::RecDescent subroutines) to fail needlessly, as the calls to _generate in Replace and Extend normally do not see the prototype, but do when re-defined

    • POD documentation for standalone parsers added
    • Added ExtUtils::MakeMaker build/configure version requirements (CPAN RT#74787)

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-Error to 0.17017:

    • Bleadperl broke Error.pm's tests (CPAN RT#74770)

    • Check for optional trailing periods
  • Updated perl-Parse-RecDescent to 1.967006 as per the Fedora version; it now requires perl ≥ 5.8.1

  • Updated perl-YAML to 0.80:
