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Thursday 19th April 2012

Fedora Project

Local Packages

  • Updated contagged to add support for Apache httpd 2.4.x, which was just a few lines that needed changing in the config snippet:

    • The default configuration allows access only from localhost, which for httpd 2.2 is:

    • ### By default this application is only accessible from the local host
      Order deny,allow
      Deny from all
      Allow from
      Allow from ::1
    • and for httpd 2.4 is:

    • ### By default this application is only accessible from the local host
      Require local
    • The alternative configuration allows access from everywhere, which used to be:
    • ### To allow access from everywhere, comment out the 4 previous lines and
      ### uncomment the following two lines
      #Order allow,deny
      #Allow from all
    • and is now:
    • ### To allow access from everywhere, comment out the previous line and
      ### uncomment the following line
      #Require all granted
    • I also added a note with the LDAPTrustedGlobalCert entry for ldaps support that it needs mod_ldap, since this is no longer bundled with the httpd package with httpd 2.4 in Rawhide:

    • ### For ldaps support, Apache 2.4.x (needs mod_ldap)
      #LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_BASE64 /etc/pki/tls/certs/slapd-ca.crt
  • Updated perl-Test-CPAN-Meta to 0.21:

  • Updated perl-YAML to 0.81:

  • The revised fixes for compatibility with old B::Deparse versions in this release don't actually work, so I added an additional patch to fix that and attached it to CPAN RT#74826:

  • --- t/dump-code.t
    +++ t/dump-code.t
    @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ if (new B::Deparse -> coderef2text ( sub
         =~ 'refs') {
      local $/;
      (my $data = <DATA>) =~ s/use strict/use strict 'refs'/g if $] < 5.015;
    - if ($B::Deparse::VERSION > 0.67 and $B::Deparse::VERSION < 0.71) { # [CPAN #73702]
    -   $data =~ s/use warnings;/BEGIN {\${^WARNING_BITS} = "UUUUUUUUUUUU\\001"}/g;
    - }
      open DATA, '<', \$data;
    --- t/dump-perl-types.t
    +++ t/dump-perl-types.t
    @@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ if (new B::Deparse -> coderef2text ( sub
         =~ 'refs') {
      local $/;
      (my $data = <DATA>) =~ s/use strict/use strict 'refs'/g;
    - if ($B::Deparse::VERSION > 0.67 and $B::Deparse::VERSION < 0.71) { # [CPAN #73702]
    -   $data =~ s/use warnings;/BEGIN {\${^WARNING_BITS} = "UUUUUUUUUUUU\\001"}/g;
    - }
      open DATA, '<', \$data;
