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Sunday 11th August 2013

Fedora Project

  • Updated cpm in Rawhide to fix FTBFS Bug #992091:

    • The configure script was a bit fussy, looking for the exact filenames of the dictionaries despite not actually needing to know them itself as the cracklib API does not require knowledge of the file extensions used; I patched it to check for a compressed dictionary too, which fixed that problem

    • There was also a problem with the cpm.pod documentation file, which included UTF8 characters but didn't specify its encoding, which the current pod tools object to, so I added an appropriate encoding specification

  • Updated mbuffer in Rawhide to fix FTBFS Bug #992214 by removing the redundant and broken use of autoconf

  • Updated mon in Rawhide to build-require systemd-units for the %{_unitdir} macro definition (fixes FTBFS Bug #992279)

  • Updated perl-Email-MIME to 1.924 in Rawhide:

    • Update use of Email::MIME::ContentType to match new, fixed hash keys: type/subtype

  • Updated perl-Email-MIME-ContentType to 1.017 in Rawhide:

    • Correct the long-standing and embarrassing misuse of "discrete" and "composite" to mean "type" and "subtype"; the returned data still contains the wrong old names so your code shouldn't break

    • Repackage to update bug-tracker, repo, etc.
    • Make $STRICT_PARAMS actually work! (CPAN RT#87460)

  • Updated perl-Perl-Stripper to 0.06 in Rawhide to fix FTBFS Bug #992710:

    • No functional change
    • Add "use experimental 'smartmatch'" for 5.18+

  • Rebuilt perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIx-Class, perl-Task-Kensho-Logging and scsi-target-utils for the Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
