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Wednesday 4th February 2015

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-Test-Perl-Critic to 1.03 in Rawhide:

    • all_critic_ok() will now run tests in parallel over multiple cores. So if you have 8 cores, your Perl::Critic tests could run 8x faster. However, the actual performance depends on the size and shape of your code base and your Perl::Critic configuration.

    • If you're using the critic_ok() function directly (perhaps because you want more control over which files are tested) then you won't see any performance boost. I recommend gathering your list of files first, and then passing the list to all_critic_ok().

    • The deprecated function all_code_files() has now been removed from Test::Perl::Critic. Use Perl::Critic::Utils::all_perl_files() instead.

Local Packages

  • Removed getlive, which no longer works and has been retired upstream (I've been using getmail via successfully for some time now)

  • Updated perl-Email-Address to 1.907:

    • The test suite tests parses more directly, which eliminates a number of misleading (and possibly wrong) test cases
    • Escaped characters in a quoted string are now properly unescaped for the ->phrase method, which means things should round trip better from their decomposed form

  • Updated perl-Net-CIDR to 0.18:

    • Leading 0s in IPv6 addresses are ok
  • Updated perl-Test-Perl-Critic to 1.03 as per the Fedora version
