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Thursday 30th July 2015

Fedora Project

  • Updated GeoIP to 1.6.6 in F-23 and Rawhide:

    • Replaced usage of deprecated fileno, read, and lseek on Visual Studio 2005+ with their ISO C++ conformant replacements (GH#55)

    • A warning about using a double as a float was fixed (GH#56)

    • Fixed segfault when doing a lookup on an empty database (GH#62)

    • Fixed a memcheck error from valgrind in the '_check_mtime' function (GH#60)

    • Fixed '_check_mtime' to check the return value of 'gettimeofday' rather than just assuming it worked

Local Packages

  • Updated GeoIP to 1.6.6 as per the Fedora version
