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Monday 11th June 2018

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-Class-Load to 0.25 in Rawhide:

    • Merged required and recommended Data::OptList version prerequisite, to work around bug (CPAN RT#123447)

  • Updated perl-Fennec to 2.018 in Rawhide:

    • Documentation fixes, deprecate in favor of Test2::Suite

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-Class-Load to 0.25 as per the Fedora version

  • Updated perl-DateTime-Locale to 1.22:

    • Update the glibc source data to the data from glibc 2.27

    • Added documentation for this glibc data

    • Reformatted the DateTime::Locale::FromData docs

  • Updated perl-Fennec to 2.018 as per the Fedora version

  • Updated perl-File-ShareDir to 1.106:

    • Add support for overriding the resolved path for a given Module or Dist
    • _dist_file_new lacked return check (CPAN RT#40158, CPAN RT#84914)

    • Common @INC traversal code for easier overriding in controlled environments (CPAN RT#60431)

    • State explicitly how developers can use File::ShareDir even in development phase out-of-the-box (CPAN RT#63548)

    • Fix Windows style path errors (CPAN RT#18042)

    • Improve infrastructure of distribution (toolchain, perltidy, perlcritic, Devel::Cover, ...)

    • Deploy with most recent File::ShareDir::Install

  • Updated perl-List-SomeUtils-XS to 0.58:

    • Re-release to fix the generated Makefile.PL

    • We do not want to try to build the XS code with compiler warnings enabled except on Perl 5.24+ as there are unavoidable warnings with older Perls; if you tried to install this distro in an environment where AUTHOR_TESTING was set, these warnings would be enabled, along with "-Werror", causing the build to fail completely (GH#3)
