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Sunday 22nd January 2023

Fedora Project

  • Updated python-paramiko to 3.0.0 in Rawhide:

    • Remove some unnecessary '__repr__' calls when handling bytes-vs-str conversions; this was apparently doing a lot of unintentional data processing, which adds up in some use cases, such as SFTP transfers, which may now be significantly faster (GH#2110)

    • Streamline some redundant (and costly) byte conversion calls in the packetizer and the core SFTP module; this should lead to some SFTP speed-ups at the very least (GH#2165)

    • 'paramiko.util.retry_on_signal' (and any internal uses of same, and also any internal retries of 'EINTR' on e.g. socket operations) has been removed; as of Python 3.5, per PEP 475 (, this functionality (and retrying 'EINTR' generally) is now part of the standard library

    • Note: This change is backwards incompatible if you were explicitly importing/using this particular function; the observable behaviour otherwise should not be changing
    • '~paramiko.config.SSHConfig' used to straight-up delete the 'proxycommand' key from config lookup results when the source config said 'ProxyCommand none'; this has been altered to preserve the key and give it the Python value 'None', thus making the Python representation more in line with the source config file

    • Note: This change is backwards incompatible if you were relying on the old (1.x, 2.x) behaviour for some reason (e.g. assuming all 'proxycommand' values were valid subcommand strings)

    • The behaviour of private key classes' (i.e. anything inheriting from '~paramiko.pkey.PKey') private key writing methods used to perform a manual, extra 'chmod' call after writing; this hasn't been strictly necessary since the mid 2.x release line (when key writing started giving the 'mode' argument to ''), and has now been removed entirely; this should only be observable if you were mocking Paramiko's system calls during your own testing, or similar

    • 'PKey.__cmp__' has been removed - ordering-oriented comparison of key files is unlikely to have ever made sense (the old implementation attempted to order by the hashes of the key material) and so we have not bothered setting up '__lt__' and friends at this time; the class continues to have its original '__eq__' untouched

    • Note: This change is backwards incompatible if you were actually trying to sort public key objects (directly or indirectly); please file bug reports detailing your use case if you have some intractable need for this behaviour, and we'll consider adding back the necessary Python 3 magic methods so that it works as before
    • A handful of lower-level classes (notably 'paramiko.message.Message' and 'paramiko.pkey.PKey') previously returned 'bytes' objects from their implementation of '__str__', even under Python 3; and there was never any '__bytes__' method; these issues have been fixed by renaming '__str__' to '__bytes__' and relying on Python's default "stringification returns the output of '__repr__'" behaviour re: any real attempts to 'str()' such objects

    • 'paramiko.common.asbytes' has been moved to 'paramiko.util.asbytes'

    • Note: This change is backwards incompatible if you were directly using this function (which is unlikely)
    • Remove the now irrelevant 'paramiko.py3compat' module

    • Note: This change is backwards incompatible - such references should be search-and-replaced with their modern Python 3.6+ equivalents; in some cases, still-useful methods or values have been moved to 'paramiko.util' (most) or 'paramiko.common' ('byte_*')

    • Drop support for Python versions less than 3.6, including Python 2; so long and thanks for all the fish! Our packaging metadata has been updated to include 'python_requires', so this should not cause breakage unless you're on an old installation method that can't read this metadata

    • Note: As part of this change, our dependencies have been updated; e.g. we now require Cryptography>=3.3, up from 2.5
