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Wednesday 10th May 2006

Fedora Extras

  • Updated gtkwave to 3.0.2

Local Packages

  • Updated gtkwave to 3.0.2

  • Made a first attempt at packages for bittorrent 4.9.3 (the new beta release). This release drops support for python 2.2.x but I can't get it to build on python 2.3.x either (python build bails out with no diagnostics). The GUI now uses the wxPython toolkit for the downloader but still uses pygtk2 for maketorrent, hence both toolkits are needed (wxPython is available in Fedora Extras thankfully). The new version is built on Twisted, but the version in Fedora Extras is ancient, too old for bittorrent. So I made a bunch of python-twisted-* packages, but I only intend to keep them going until such time as Fedora Extras catches up.
